Obstetric Care


Pregnancy Care

As an Obstetrician it is a privilege to travel with you on this journey. Most pregnancies and deliveries are uncomplicated but you should rest assured that my training and expert knowledge will keep you and your baby safe.

As your private Obstetrician my philosophy is to support you through your pregnancy and delivery in the most natural and safest way possible.

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Over the course of your antenatal visits we will have an opportunity to develop a shared understanding of your desired pregnancy and delivery outcomes. I am very happy to accommodate where possible any special wishes that you may have. Labour and delivery can be an intense time and it is important that you trust me completely to guide you through this experience.

Ultrasound in Pregnancy

At every antenatal visit, I will provide a high quality ultrasound of your developing baby. Using the latest advances in technology, I will be able to allow your partner remote access to join your scans live, ensuring they never miss out on these precious moments.


Obstetric Interests

With extensive experience of caring for women during pregnancy and labour, I am skilled in the management of low and high-risk pregnancies. This includes the management of medical complications, vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC), twin pregnancy and caring for women with a previous traumatic birth.

Useful Links

Lifestylye changes during pregnancy

Lifestylye changes during pregnancy

Coombe Hospital - Parent Education Videos

Coombe Hospital - Parent Education Videos

Pregnancy planning

Pregnancy planning